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The treatment of a hole in the tooth

Healthy, white teeth are a sign of good dental health and contribute to a radiant smile. But what happens if you discover a small cavity in your tooth? In this blog post, you will learn all about the causes, symptoms and treatment options for tooth decay, the main culprit for cavities in teeth.

Andrea Seraina Author
Andrea Seraina
Dental Content Specialist
05/06/20247 min. reading time
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What is caries and how does it develop?

Caries, also known as tooth decay, is one of the most common dental diseases worldwide. It occurs when caries bacteria attack the tooth substance, which ultimately leads to demineralisation and destruction of the tooth enamel. These bacteria produce acids that are formed from food residues, especially from foods containing sugar and starch. Without sufficient oral hygiene, dental plaque can form, providing the perfect environment for caries bacteria.

Symptoms of tooth decay

Tooth decay can be insidious at first, as there are often no noticeable symptoms in the early stages of caries. This phase of caries, often referred to as initial caries, rarely shows any visible or tangible changes to the tooth. However, without appropriate dental hygiene measures, it can progress and lead to more obvious, often painful symptoms.

Sensitivity and pain

One of the first signs of progressive tooth decay is sensitivity to sweet, hot or cold foods and drinks. This sensitivity occurs when the enamel erodes and the underlying dental nerve becomes more exposed. The affected area of the tooth becomes sensitive to temperature changes or sweet stimuli, which can be unpleasant when eating or drinking.

Visible changes

Visible holes or dark spots on the teeth are clear indicators that the decay has caused significant destruction of the tooth surface. Such changes occur when the tooth decay has penetrated deep enough to reach the dentin and form visible lesions. Early caries infiltration can be treated by a professional tooth whitening or caries repair treatment at ALPINE WHITE to restore aesthetics and function.

Bad breath and taste

Bad breath or an unpleasant taste in the mouth is often associated with poor oral hygiene, which can lead to a build-up of caries bacteria. These bacteria produce sulphurous compounds that cause an unpleasant odour and taste. Regular professional dental cleanings and proper daily dental hygiene practices can help minimise these symptoms and improve overall oral health.

Toothache and biting

Toothache or pain when biting can also indicate advanced tooth decay. These symptoms are often the result of inflammation of the tooth nerve, causing acute reactions when chewing or applying pressure. In some cases, the pain can be so intense that a dental crown or other form of dental prosthesis is necessary to protect the damaged tooth and relieve the pain.

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Care Routine
€84.90was 951 Set€84.90 / 1 Set

The perfect Care Routine with whitening effect. The Care Routine combines our three Toothpastes, so you can find your perfect Toothpaste for daily care, the Whitening Strips for bright teeth and our Toothbrush.

  • Whiter teeth with the strips after 3 days
  • Lasting result with the Toothpaste
  • Perfect combination of whitening and care

Prevention: the key to avoiding tooth decay

Preventive measures play a crucial role in minimising the risk of tooth decay and other dental diseases. By implementing the following tips to improve your dental health, you can protect your teeth in the long term.

The role of dental care

Regular brushing with fluoride toothpaste, flossing and regular visits to our ALPINE WHITE Studio are crucial to preventing tooth decay. Professional dental cleanings remove plaque and tartar, protect the gums and help to remove discolouration. This helps you maintain good dental hygiene.

Brush your teeth regularly

You should brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste. This helps to strengthen the tooth structure and prevent the development of tooth decay. Make sure that you clean all tooth surfaces, especially the chewing surfaces and the tooth surface, which are often affected by tooth decay. Brushing not only removes plaque, but also distributes fluoride on the teeth, which is essential for remineralising the enamel and preventing initial caries.

Use of dental floss

Daily flossing is essential to remove food debris and plaque from the spaces between teeth that are often missed when brushing. These areas are particularly susceptible to the formation of cavities as they are difficult to access and are often affected by inadequate oral hygiene.

Healthy diet

A diet low in sugary snacks and drinks supports a healthy tooth surface and reduces the risk of developing deep caries. Sugar promotes the growth of caries bacteria, which produce acids and attack the teeth. By avoiding such foods, you protect your dentin and prevent cavities from progressing.

Additional measures

For additional protection, a sealant can be applied to the chewing surfaces of the molars, especially in children whose milk teeth and permanent teeth are still susceptible to decay. Adults also benefit from sealants, especially if they are prone to deep caries. This preventive measure protects the tooth layers from the penetration of caries bacteria.

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Dental Hygiene

For a healthy mouth and beautiful teeth, regular professional teeth cleaning is essential. Our specialists detect early signs of caries and prevent them.

  • Personalised dental hygiene
  • Gum check & caries control
  • Painless cleaning with AIRFLOW

Regular ALPINE WHITE visits

At ALPINE WHITE, we understand the importance of not only treating tooth decay, but also proactively preventing it. Our innovative approach includes Caries Repair and Caries Risk Analysis to address both existing and potential dental issues.

A regular visit to ALPINE WHITE, at least twice a year, is crucial to monitor your dental health. Our dental experts can recognise and treat early signs of decay before they develop into advanced cavities. Our team can also carry out professional dental cleanings to help remove tartar and stubborn plaque that can be difficult to remove using normal home methods.

Caries Repair: a revolutionary approach to treating tooth decay

Our Caries Repair treatment is an advanced tooth structure regeneration method that aims to remineralise the enamel and restore the integrity of the tooth. This treatment is ideal for clients in the early stages of caries, where so-called white spots or slight demineralisation is present. The great advantage of Caries Repair is that it does not require any drilling, anaesthesia or other invasive procedures, which is a considerable relief, especially for patients with dental anxiety.

Caries risk analysis: customised preventive measures

In parallel with Caries Repair, we offer a comprehensive caries risk analysis to determine the specific needs of each individual and develop personalised preventive measures. This analysis uses advanced diagnostic procedures to recognise the signs of incipient caries at an early stage. By assessing the composition of oral flora and other factors such as the buffering capacity of saliva, we can make individual recommendations aimed at minimising the risk of tooth decay.

Innovative products to support dental health

To support these treatments, we offer a range of products specifically designed to promote dental health and maintain a bright smile. These include our whitening strips, whitening kits and specialised toothpastes, all aimed at making teeth not only whiter, but healthier too.

With the combination of advanced treatment, precise diagnostics and high-quality care products, ALPINE WHITE strives to help every customer achieve a healthier, happier smile. Visit us for a personalised consultation to learn more about how we can help you protect and improve your dental health.

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Extra White Routine
€139.90was 1521 Set€139.90 / 1 Set

More teeth whitening doesn't get any better than this! The Extra White Routine contains the Whitening Kit for teeth whitening, the Whitening Strips for refreshing the result, the Extra White Toothpaste for daily care and improvement of the result and the Whitening Foam for the instant whitening effect.

  • Quick and strong results
  • Long-term results
  • Whiter teeth after 3 days with the Kit


A cavity in a tooth is a serious sign of tooth decay. However, early detection and treatment can prevent more serious damage. Regular dental care, a balanced diet and professional dental cleanings are your best allies in the fight against tooth decay. Don't forget to visit your dental practice at the first sign of dental problems.

At ALPINE WHITE, we pride ourselves on helping you keep your best smile. Visit us for more information about our products and services that support your dental health.

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