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Probiotics for a radiant oral flora

Have you ever thought about the fact that your mouth is a complex ecosystem in which billions of bacteria live? These microscopic inhabitants can have a huge impact on your oral health. In this blog post, you will find out how probiotics can positively influence your oral flora and why healthy oral flora is important for bright white teeth and healthy gums.

Andrea Seraina Author
Andrea Seraina
Dental Content Specialist
11/08/20238 min. reading time
probiotika, alpine white, whitening strips, gesunde zähne

What is oral flora and why is it important?

The oral flora is a complex community of bacterial species that coexist in your mouth. These microorganisms are not just simple inhabitants of your mouth, but active participants in your health. They are crucial for the first step of digestion by helping to prepare food in the mouth. Some types of bacteria produce enzymes that help break down food components before they even reach the stomach.

What are the benefits of healthy oral flora?

In addition, they play a protective role by acting as part of your immune defence. They do this by secreting substances that can fight off potential pathogens, helping to prevent infections in the mouth. These bacteria also contribute to the health of the oral mucosa by creating an acidic environment that is unfavourable to pathogenic bacteria and support tissue repair and regeneration.

A balanced oral flora is important for maintaining the pH level in the mouth, which in turn is crucial for the health of tooth enamel. An environment that is too acidic can lead to demineralisation of the enamel, while an environment that is too alkaline can promote the formation of tartar.

What are the effects of weakened oral flora?

When the balance of oral flora is disturbed, whether through poor oral hygiene, dietary habits or certain lifestyle factors, harmful bacteria can become prevalent. This can lead to dental plaque, which is rich in harmful bacteria and forms the basis for gum diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis. In addition, a disturbed oral flora can lead to bad breath, which is often a sign of an excessive accumulation of bacteria that produce volatile sulphur compounds.

Taking care of your oral flora by brushing your teeth regularly, using dental floss and mouthwashes as well as regular visits to the ALPINE WHITE Studio for professional dental cleanings are crucial.

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Dental hygiene

Regular professional dental cleaning is essential for a healthy mouth and beautiful teeth. Our specialized staff identifies signs of cavities early and prevents them.

  • Personalised treatment
  • Gum check & caries control
  • Painless cleaning with AIRFLOW

Probiotics: The heroes for your oral health

Probiotics are live microorganisms, specifically bacteria, that are ingested in appropriate amounts and provide numerous health benefits. These beneficial bacteria are best known as benefactors for the intestinal flora. However, their beneficial effects also extend to the oral cavity, where they play a key role in oral health as probiotics.

A probiotic is not just a bacterium, it is a strain of bacteria that has been specifically selected because it has certain health-promoting properties. These probiotic bacteria, which often include lactic acid bacteria, can help suppress the growth of harmful bacteria responsible for plaque and gum disease. They do this by producing substances that create an unfavourable environment for the harmful bacteria and thus reduce the formation of plaque.

Dental plaque is a sticky layer of bacteria that forms on the teeth and can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Regular use of probiotics in the form of lozenges or mouthwashes can reduce the amount of plaque. This is particularly important as plaque often occurs in areas that are difficult to reach with a toothbrush. This is also where dental floss comes into play as a physical aid to help keep interdental spaces clean and prevent the colonisation of harmful bacteria.

Lactic acid bacteria, a group of probiotics, are particularly well known for their ability to create an acidic environment that is unfavourable to many types of harmful bacteria. The beneficial bacteria not only contribute to the health of your oral flora, but also support the immune system. Vitamin C is another important factor for oral health, as it supports the repair and regeneration of the gums and strengthens the body's defences. An adequate intake of vitamin C can therefore enhance the positive effects of probiotics and contribute to robust oral health.

The role of probiotics in the prevention of dental and gum disease

Probiotic bacteria such as Lactobacillus and Streptococcus salivarius can help to maintain the balance of oral flora and keep harmful bacteria in check. They fight pathogens that can cause gingivitis, periodontitis and tooth decay. A healthy balance in your mouth can also help prevent halitosis, better known as bad breath.

Probiotics and caries prevention

Caries occurs when harmful bacteria such as Streptococcus mutans convert sugar into acid, which attacks the tooth enamel. Probiotic bacteria can inhibit this process by preventing the colonisation and multiplication of harmful bacteria.

How you can integrate probiotics into your oral care routine

You can support your oral flora with various probiotic products. These include

  • Lozenges: They are easy to use and can be taken after brushing your teeth or at any time during the day.
  • Mouthwashes: They also reach hard-to-reach areas such as interdental spaces and help to keep the entire oral cavity healthy.
  • Probiotic dental care products: Some toothpastes and dental flosses are enriched with probiotics to promote healthy oral flora.

In addition to special products, you can also support your oral flora through your diet. Foods such as yoghurt, kefir and other fermented foods contain natural probiotics.

Probiotics and holistic health

A healthy oral flora is not only an essential component for optimal oral health, but also plays a decisive role in general well-being. The oral cavity serves as an entry point for numerous microorganisms and is therefore a central place for defence against pathogens. A balanced oral flora rich in beneficial bacteria helps to keep harmful microbes at bay and supports the body's natural defence mechanisms.

Inflammation in the mouth, as occurs with gum disease, can be associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The theory behind this is that inflammation in the mouth can trigger systemic inflammatory reactions in the body, which have a negative effect on the blood vessels. In addition, bacteria from the mouth can enter the bloodstream and cause inflammation in distant sites, including the heart.

In addition to cardiovascular disease, there is also evidence that healthy oral flora can reduce the risk of other systemic conditions such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and even some respiratory diseases. Maintaining healthy oral flora through effective oral hygiene and the use of probiotics where appropriate can therefore be a simple but powerful strategy to promote overall health and reduce the risk of a variety of diseases.

Dental cleanings and oral health

Remember that professional teeth cleaning is also an important part of dental care. It removes plaque that you may not be able to reach at home and helps to keep your teeth and gums in top condition.

At ALPINE WHITE's Studios, you will be offered a gentle and pleasant professional dental cleaning. Our specialised dental hygienists are trained to remove even the most stubborn plaque, which often cannot be completely removed with daily home care. These plaque deposits are not only aesthetically unpleasant, but can also lead to gum inflammation and tooth decay.

Our Studios are equipped with the latest technology to guarantee you a thorough cleaning that keeps your teeth and gums healthy. We attach great importance to ensuring that our treatments are both effective and gentle on your gums. With regular professional teeth cleaning in our ALPINE WHITE Studios, you can ensure that your teeth are not only clean, but also protected in the long term.

With our oral health check, we can analyse your oral health in no time at all. We analyse 20 different types of bacteria in your mouth and can then give you personalised tips and tricks for better oral hygiene.

Come by and let us convince you of the quality of our services. In our ALPINE WHITE Studios, we make sure that your smile shines not only today, but also in the future.

Closing words

Incorporating probiotics into your daily oral care routine can make a big difference to your oral health. They help maintain healthy oral flora, protect against tooth and gum disease and can even improve your overall health. Probiotics are an easy and natural way to keep your smile bright and your gums healthy.

Probiotics are therefore not just a trend in dentistry, but an important part of a comprehensive strategy for lifelong oral health. We will be happy to advise you in our Studios - your ALPINE WHITE team.

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